Hershey's And Halloween

Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Who doesn't know about Hershey's awesome bag of candy for Halloween?  As a kid growing up, these were my favorite candy to get in my trick-or-treat bag!  And now as a adult these are the ones I go to first in the Halloween isle!  So now that we're all ready for Halloween, the house is decorated, costumes are bought.  All we need to do is pick up a couple bags of some Hershey's candy to pass out on Halloween night!  I always wait til the last second to do this for two reasons.  One, I can't resist eating it when it's sitting on the kitchen table, so I always end up having to buy another bag.  Two, I can never decide what Hershey's candy to buy, so I end up buying them all!  Maybe I should just save myself sometime this year and pick up two bags of each! :)

For doing this post I'm entering to win a Hershey's prize pack as a Mom Bloggers Club Member.  No other compensation was given.  All thoughts and opinions expressed above are mine and mine alone!


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