Three Going On Thirteen....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

    For all of you that have little 3 year old girls, do you have a problem with their attitude?  My daughter, who was fine during her "terrible twos" has recently developed some attitude issues.  And when I say issues, I'm not talking running around acting crazy, or just telling me no, when I tell her to do something.  I mean straight out back talk.  And it all just came out of no where!  I feel like I'm already raising a teenager, and am starting to feel like pulling out my hair!  I already hate that she is growing up too quickly, but to add the attitude on top of it, is enough to drive a person crazy!  So do any of you have any little girls or boys (of any age) that have an attitude like they should be going to through their changes of life?  If so I would love some tips on what I can do to help ease her problem! Oh and I hope everyone is getting excited for the Pregnancy/Baby Event!!  It will be starting VERY soon! :)  Are any of you currently expecting, or now someone who is?  If so, do you know what your having or do you want it to be a surprise?


  1. Three year olds are much harder than the two's! I don't know why the call it the terrible twos when looking back, it seems so peaceful! :) I interviewed an expert on the subject and titled the piece, "Taming the Tyrant"--you can read it here--it's full of advice to help you out!


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