Simple Changes For 2011 #SimplyOrange

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    You know every year, I do new years resolutions.  And every year, I forget about them after February!  Does anyone else have that problem?  I think it's because I always want things like loose 40 lbs., or spend more time with my family.  And to me those are just general statements, they don't tell me exactly how I'm supposed to do that.  So I get overwhelmed with trying to loose weight, and just stop, and how do you fit more family time in an already packed day?  So here are some of my simple changes for 2011, and I hope that you make some of your own as well (or steal some of mine!).
1.  My first simple change is to eat healthier.  This is not only to help me with my weight loss goal but also for my family as well.  I'm busy, so I've found myself reaching for more convenient things rather than healthy.  I want my daughter to love eating apples, and grapes as much as she does mac & cheese!  I want to be a good example for her, and have fresh fruits and veggies available in the fridge at all times!
2.  I would like to work out at least twice a week, and build up from there.  Even if it's only for 10 minutes, because when I make the time to workout not only does it help me reach my weight loss goal, but it helps me feel better, and more energized for the day (and with a 2 year old running around who doesn't need more energy?).
3.  I would like to cook one thing each week from another country.  I've always enjoyed learning about other countries, their tradition, and culture.  So this would be a great way for us as a family to learn together, and experience different kinds of food.
4.  I would love to sit down and color, and finger paint more with my daughter.  Audrey is very creative, and she loves drawing and finger painting!  I would love to sit down with just her and no distractions at least 3 times a week (hopefully that will increase).
5.  Charge Audrey's 4-wheeler, and play outside with her.  I keep forgetting to look for her 4-wheeler charger, so I would love to just search for it, and charge it up for her, then take her outside for the entire day (when it's a bit warmer) pack some food and drinks and just let her go at it until the battery dies again!
6.  We already read to Audrey every night, but I would love if we could her at least 3 books a day!  We usually read one quick one at night, because she's sleepy and crashes, while we're reading.  So I would love to read at least two more during the day!
7.  More time alone with Chris.  We're always running around like crazy people, and by the end of the day, we haven't said much to each other.  I want us to take 1 hour out of our days to just talk, and laugh!  And become closer together.
    So those are my simple changes for 2011.  Nothing big here, just simple steps I'd love to take for myself, and my family!  Let me know some of your simple steps for 2011. :)   

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Simply Orange® blogging program. If I am one of the first 65 blogs received by SocialsMoms, I will receive a $25 Target gift card and a gift pack that includes a Simply Orange® cooler bag and logoed fleece."


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