
Friday, April 30, 2010

For the next couple of days at least, I'm going to be updating everything. So I will not be blogging much. If I come accross something I will post it, but I won't be looking for deals as much as usually do. I am new to this so it may take me awhile to get my blog up and running like I would like to. But every now and then I will be taking some days to try and get it there. I hope you understand, and I will be back to blogging like normal soon. Thank you so much for all your support!


  1. hi from the mbc! can't wait to read more of your blog when you have it updated!

  2. Following from MBC. Good luck with the update! You can follow me at www.savingcreatively.com

  3. Thank you both so much! Well you can see compared to what it was before, it's deffently improved! I check'd out both of your websites and am following you!


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