Bzzing Mom Is Expecting.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    So what are we expecting here at Bzzing Mom?  A new car, house, website, giveaway....while all of that sounds great too, the answer would have to be hell to the no!  We are expecting a gift way better than any of those!  That's right, as if one wasn't enough we are having another baby!  So are we excited, yes very much so!  So much I pretty much have the whole birthing plan down, and names picked out for both a boy and girl!
    And all the wonderful memories of pregnancy are coming back one by one.....oh the morning sickness (which by the way is total crap I wish it was only in the morning!), the heartburn, and hormones, and I could probably name about a million other things.  But while pregnancy isn't my favorite thing in the world (I wish the stork really did bring babies!) there is nothing like holding that newborn baby in your arms for the first time after 9 (ok honestly like almost 10) months of waiting!
    So I would love to hear some of your wonderful, funny, and horrific stories of pregnancy, labor and birth and some tips too.  Because even though I have done this before, it was three (I can't believe it's been three years already!) years ago, and who doesn't love good tips from great moms!  I would also like to take this time to announce that starting this fall all through next fall I will be featuring items for pregnancy and baby, so be sure to be on the look out!  So if any brands, bloggers or WAHM's think you'd be a good fit I'll be looking for ads, guest posts, sponsored posts, review and giveaway items and more so please email me at if your interested and would like more information!
    I also want to take this time to tell you my two biggest fears when I was pregnant with Audrey (be prepared they are pretty stupid) 1.)  I was so afraid my belly button would stick out, and would push it in word when I thought it was starting to come out (as if that would have helped lol)  it never did though thank goodness lol!  2.)  I was afraid my water would while standing in a store or somewhere public, so near my due date I started wearing thick pads in my underwear lol (this never happened either though)!  So I would love to hear some of your stories......


  1. Congratulations!! How wonderful! I always hate when women try to terrify pregnant women with their horror stories - it's sadistic! With my first, I had no labor pains, went to my regular weekly Dr. visit. I'll never forget the look of shock on his face when he examined me, then told me I needed to make my way to the hospital (which I drove myself to) because I was going to become a mommy that day. With my second, labor was induced, I pushed twice and there she was...the horror stories start when they turn into teenagers (just kidding!)

  2. Congrats!! I'm glad you are "back" with such exciting news!

    I had "morning" Sickness with all of my kids- through about 22 weeks...around the clock. I don't know why its called morning sickness. If you do struggle don't be afraid to ask your doctor for zofran. it helps a bit.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting! I LOVE pregnancy...and babies...well...pregnancy after the 20th week when they could take my IV out that gave me around the clock nausea meds. My ALL DAY sickness was worse with each pregnancy. I have four kids....I wanted five...but I don't think I could handle the ALL DAY sickness again. After 20 weeks it was smooth sailing. I will tell you though...which each pregnancy you will get bigger, quicker. By the time I was pregnant with my fourth I was in maternity clothes practically before I even knew I was pregnant! So be prepared!! :-)

  4. Congrats! I was glad to see you back to blogging! I so want another baby myself. I feel for you on the ALL DAY "morning" sickness. I threw up for 5 months all day and night! But my migraines have gone away since having my little guy.


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